
Abstract Submission

If you are only interested in giving an oral or poster presentation without paper publication, an abstract with at least 200 words is necessary.

Composition Requirements
Since your abstracts will be included in Conference Abstract Proceedings for attendee references during meeting, please kindly download the Abstract Template here and format your abstracts according to the template before submission. 

Submission Method
Please submit your abstracts via the email and mark "abstract for oral or poster presentation" in the subject line of your email.

Full Paper Submission
If you are interested in both making a presentation and publishing full paper in the Conference Proceedings indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, etc., you are encouraged to submit original, unpublished contributions.

Composition Requirements
1. Plagiarism is strongly prohibited and papers that have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will not be considered.
2. Submitted papers should be written in the English language, with a minimum length of 4 printed pages, including all the figures, references, and appendices. One regular registration covers 6 Pages. Extra pages (Begin at Page 7) charge at 50 USD/ 300 RMB  per page.
3. The paper must print clearly and legibly, including all the figures, tables, equations in a standard way.
4. Please download the Full Paper Template and format your full paper according to the template before submission.
5. When your full paper get finished, please submit it via the paper submission system. Acceptance or rejection will be announced after the peer review process.
6. All accepted papers must designate at least an author to be present at the conference.

Submission Method
Please submit your full paper via the email and mark "Full paper+TEL" in the subject line of your email.